
Windows Live Mail Windows 7 ???????

  • Windows seven came with no email client at all.
  • Windows 7 is yet supported.
  • Windows Live Post is an email client that back up has ended, menses.
  • Win 8x and Win10 take no email clients.

Gmail, for example is an email programme.  Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird are electronic mail clients. You still need an e-mail program before y'all use an e-mail client.

Rehash your question and post back. I used Outlook Express for ages, but when WLMail was the only MS option, I went to Thunderbird and have no regrets.

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☞ Avert a post. Backup your data. ☜

Bruce Hagen
MVP: 2004 ~ 2010
2014 ~ Nowadays
Royal Embankment, CA

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Bruce: I appreciate your reply merely am slightly confused. You are using 'Thunderbird' from Mozilla which you state is an email 'customer' and to employ it you lot must accept an email 'program'. I idea that Windows Live Mail is an email program whereby if deleted, 'Thunderbird' wouldn't piece of work but you lot state that Windows Alive Mail is an 'email customer'. And then what is the e-mail programme associated with Windows seven allowing Thunderbird to work? I feel that if I delete my Windows Live Mail program that Thunderbird wouldn't work!

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Edward, Windows Live Mail works perfectly well for me and about 75 of my clients.  Windows Update is so terribly messed upwardly lately, yous are fortunate that Microsoft no longer "supports" information technology.  The 2012 version was the last version.

If you lot have the 2011 version, you are golden.  If y'all have the 2012 version, it is not as adept, but still works just fine.   In any event, it is the best mail program in that location is and you want to keep it. Unfortunately, y'all volition before long not be able to go it over again if a re-install becomes necessary.  I suggest you download information technology from hither and go on it in a safe place should it ever be necessary to re-install:

The first thing y'all exercise if WLM is giving you lot bug:

  1. Check the Outbox folder.  If at that place are messages there, one or more is likely corrupted and blocking flow.
  2. Do a repair of WLM:
  3. Start globe (bottom left)
  4. Control Panel
  5. Uninstall a program
  6. Observe Windows Live Essentials in the listing and click it
  7. Then click Repair.
  8. In worst instance, assuming you have a full re-create downloaded, uninstall information technology and re-install.

Windows ten does not use WLM.

WLM is an outstanding product.  I have been using it for about 4 years now and I have installed it on many client computers, including some that were using Outlook.  In my opinion, WLM is a better product than Outlook.

WLM is part of a whole package of products called Windows Live Essentials.  Information technology was created a number of years agone in one of those Microsoft attempts to out-AOL, AOL.  It failed and the huge staff that created it were dispersed, but the mail detail (WLM) was such a success, it keeps dragging Microsoft forth.

In that location is a 2012 version of Windows Alive Essentials which volition probably work ok for you as long as yous do not employ "groups" in your contacts.  They screwed up that function in the 2012 version.  If you lot exercise use groups, yous desire the 2011 version.

When you download this, at one bespeak it will inquire you which components of Windows Live Essentials you want to install.  Uncheck all only the Mail component.  When you start WLM for the first fourth dimension, information technology will search for importable contacts, mail accounts and mail service and automatically import information technology all.  And so take your backed-upward message shop and contact files on the reckoner before you kickoff WLM.

WLM is a very problematic product for Microsoft and many others.  In fact, Gmail has recently caused a problem by tagging WLM equally a less than secure one.  You need to lower the security level on your Gmail account to get it to consign to WLM.

The reason WLM is not desirable to them is that it takes away the opportunity to profile you and throw ads in your confront on the spider web mail production.  A strength to the average user and a weakness to those trying to make money by pushing those ads in your confront.

When yous have WLM in identify and you have information technology working the way y'all want it to.  I suggest yous alter the frequency of checking for new mail from 20 minutes to 2.

Also, I recommend moving the message store from the default location, about 7 levels downwardly upward to a higher level then y'all can easily find it to do backups.  WLM includes a Motion tool to do this.

Once installed in your computer, you may need assistance in setting upwards the account structure to interface with your email provider(s).

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Mayhap I should have said you need an email service rather than a programme. Simply as an example, I use the mail program/service my Internet service provider, Cox Communications, offers. Simply rather than going to their website to read the mail, I have information technology downloaded to my email client, Thunderbird. I could have it download to Windows Live Mail service if I wanted to, but I have never liked that client.

If y'all want to try Thunderbird, you can have that installed and working right alongside of Windows Live Mail. Only have both set to go out copies of the messages on the server for a few days so you can fetch them from both clients. If you adopt Windows Alive Mail service, fine. If you like Thunderbird, then use that.

Windows Live Mail service 2012 was broken when it was released and never stock-still. Equally far as I'm concerned, information technology was and is a garbage electronic mail client, simply others feel differently. Although support merely recently concluded, one could argue it was never supported. Thunderbird upgrades often.

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☞ Avoid a post. Backup your data. ☜

Bruce Hagen
MVP: 2004 ~ 2010
2014 ~ Present
Imperial Beach, CA

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